Today, we’re thrilled to showcase the impactful work of Kim Eggers and Andrew Gifford, OMF supporters whose unwavering dedication to amplifying awareness and understanding of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is truly inspiring.
Meet Kim Eggers

Kim Eggers has had ME for 34 years, and as such, is passionate about the mysteries of the disease being solved. She keeps busy writing for medical systems-type sites, working as a patient advocate with her provincial health care system, and enjoying the beautiful outdoors where she lives in northern Canada.
Crash by Kim Eggers
Like being hit by a car.
No one can imagine such a thing until it happens to them. Being hit by a hunk of steel that large must feel surreal, the impact stunning in its ferocity. Unexpected. Unplanned. No recourse to avoid it. No going back in time to stop it.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is like being hit, but in horrifically slow motion, akin to the process of stop-animation:
Next frame: thrown up into the air
Next frame: bouncing off the hood and up into the air again
Next frame: hitting the pavement—hard
Seemingly endless frames.
This must be a torturous process for any person to endure. Here’s the thing with ME, quite often this process never ends. Trapped in an endless cycle of what feels like a hit to the body of massive proportions.
And just like being hit by a car out of nowhere, it’s next to impossible to explain to someone that has never had that experience. It is so visceral, one that has to be felt in order to understand it.
So there’s a strange type of isolation that goes along with that. If you decide to share your experience, you want it to resonate, whether of being hit by a vehicle or of being immersed in an endless sea of pain, exhaustion, and other disturbing symptoms that make up this particular disease. Realizing, of course, that anyone dealing with any disease, injury or condition, has their own unique set of life-altering circumstances to deal with.
I’m not saying that ME is more important or more noteworthy than any other person’s medical journey. But for the most part, ME has been kept hidden in the shadows and relegated to dark corners. Myself, and millions of other patients, want ME to finally be brought out into the light of day, noted, and accepted as the very real disease that research has proven it to be, thus allowing us to finally receive the support and medical help that is required. Simply put, every human being has an innate need to be seen, accepted, supported and cared for—no matter their physical condition.
The crash stops for victims of a vehicular hit. It’s quick, in spite of feeling as if it will never end. Hopefully, with good-quality medical intervention, they are able to heal up completely. I would wish for them all the support that they need in order to move forward with their lives.
My “crash” has not ended 33 years on. It’s time for society to offer people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis the same kind of in-depth, life-affirming support that most vehicular crash victims receive. That way, we too can have fuller, more fulfilled lives. A human need. A human right.
Photography Project about ME/CFS
by Andrew Gifford
Inspired by Whitney Dafoe’s moving photography, I wanted to see how far I could go with photography to represent the insidious nature of ME/CFS in ways that are relatable for people unfamiliar with the condition.
You can view the project here; I’m about halfway through, aiming for completion by ME Awareness Day 2025.
Having this creative outlet is enormously helpful. I feel less hollowed out. I feel I’m doing something positive in the face of this horrendous condition.
It’s also a challenge – I’m usually working at or beyond my capacity. My condition is worsening, becoming housebound and now on the verge of giving up work. It feels important to make the project now, while I still can. I’ve written about making a photo project while chronically ill on my Substack.
The project will be donated to OMF to support its important fundraising work.
You can follow my progress on Glass (save to favorites in your browser), Vero (@andrewgiffordphotography), Mastodon and Bluesky.
I’d love to discover and follow others making creative projects about ME/CFS!

In the final days of our annual May Momentum campaign, we are calling on you for your support. Your donation, of any amount, moves us closer to treatments and a cure. Donate before May Momentum ends on May 31!
For all those who already donated and/or spread the word about May Momentum and our mission, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your continued support. We are so grateful to have you as part of our OMF family.