Questions for Dr. Ron Davis about the Severely Ill Patient Study:1. At the 2018 Stanford symposium, I believe Dr. Xiao said that the SIPS patients did not differ from healthy controls on tests for Borrelia burgdorferi, Bartonella and other tick-borne diseases. Could you share what percentage of HEALTHY CONTROLS tested positive for Bb and other tick-borne diseases? Did your assays test for past infection, current infection, or both?
2. Some expert clinicians have said that a significant number of their ME / CFS patients have comorbid Ehlers Danlos syndrome. Many subtypes of EDS have a genetic marker. Did the SIPS patients have more genetic mutations associated with EDS than did the healthy controls?
3. The IOM/NAS report of 2015 mentioned that many studies have shown ME / CFS patients have low natural killer cell function. Did the SIPS patients have low natural killer cell function?