is the use of pepetide T & Q in correlation with the active bonding proteins to attach to Chromosome 13 & 14. The stem cell re-generators of the human body. Also PepGen 15 that consists of 15 amino acids being used with much success. Gamma Goblins to increase immunity?
In Royal Oak Michigan in 1969-70 an outbreak of a viral infection occurred in our community. I was hospitalized with cancer soars throughout my mouth and gut as well as welts of similar origin on my skin. Many of my neighbors also became severely ill with fatigue, kidney disruption, brain fog. At age 10 I began the ramifications of this disease and have spent half of my life in bed. My sister died at age 34, mother 54, 2 other sisters bed ridden. Additionally i know of 4 other premature deaths in our community.
We did live very close to chemical plants that would continuously omit toxic fog on a daily basis.